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You in a sip.

Just a little bit longer, please. A moment more, I swear it will be fast.

I just need a bit more: a last word, a last kiss, a last touch, a last hug. Just a few seconds, please. Give me just one more glimpse, a smile, a walk, some cuddles. Give me just one more call, one more message. Give me one more dinner, a slice from a pizza we ordered in a rush, one more cookie... just a bite. Give me one more date: should we drink coffee? One cup more only. A sip, maybe? A little tiny sip...

Pause us. Keep us. Hold on to us.
Give me just an instant more. A no-way-back walk by me, to you. Then I will return to me, but I will have you with me. I promise to arrive and don't leave. I promise to stay. I promise you my existence. I promise to you the "yets", the "everythings" and "alls", the "forevers". I promise you sweet, intense, permanent words. I promise you long kisses upon arrival, and bigger ones during the soon-ending "goodbyes". I promise to you the night-long touches. I promise no reason hugs just because, and heartening hugs as needed. I promise I will always see you. I promise to remember your glances, your smiles, and the Sunday afternoon cuddles.

Give me what you never gave me before. Let me give you as much as I have to offer you. Give me just a little bit more, and I will give you everything I can, so you will want to share everything you have for me.


Then I will give you all the time in the world. Actually, I will give you my own world. I just need a little longer... Do you mind giving me some more minutes, please? Some hours, maybe... there's so much to do - a gigantic world to live in, a whole kiss for us to be in.

Linger here: stay longer... on my behalf, for those lips - and everything else - I will stay with no hesitation! There's so much that I still want to show you, so much to unveil! Stay just some time more, it is still early! Don't go yet, I barely saw you - I barely felt us and want us so badly. Just stay here, ok? At least for a moment more: give me a little bit more of you.
Give me a little bit more of us - some days more, maybe. Maybe I am being too bold, as time is something so valuable... But would be a lot to ask you for some months more? It is not that much, I believe... and forgive me my madness, but every time I think of you, I want you a little bit more. I want us a little bit more - a sip from what was not that perfect, but was good enough to love.

Give me a little bit more of us: I was wondering, perhaps, for some years more... and then you just lie here for the rest of our life, pretending we mind that. I really just want a sip more: a sip from the "yesses" and from the "likes". A sip from your oh-so-good intuition - because we both know mine doesn't work that way. A sip from a dream not this short, a sip from a moment that lasts, a sip from a "once upon a time" that can be turn into a "forever" straight away.

Give me a little bit more of us, a little bit more of this, because it was gone in a blink of an eye. Give me just a sip more of us... you in a sip, please.

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