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Sometimes difference is what brings people together.


A little difference never hurt anybody: it may be difficult sometimes, but is not impossible.

And definitely, is not about the differences. 

Is about what brings you together: the joy that you share, the happiness that makes life brighter , the funniest conversations, the excitement of seeing each other every time, the shared secrets - that no one else knows, the inside jokes no one else understands - or sees, the shiniest shiny eyes, the trembling souls - unconditionally, unexpectedly and unpredictably souls, the flare (the flare you had, the flare you share, the flare you make together, since ever, and that no one else will be able to light up)... Is about how great your bright is when you're together - as a vampire in the sun, glittering all around.

It doesn't matter how different you both are, but how you choose to share and combine those differences. It doesn't matter how different you both are, but how great you are together - how you amazingly work together and how your bodies laugh and dance and sing and trill when they are together.

It doesn't matter how different you are, but how much you complete each other and how strong you become for sharing, combining and overcoming those differences.


It's not about your differences, but how much your path looks alike. How much your souls are mates, how much your hearts are attuned . 


It's about being free, together. It is about being different, but having both of your hearts with the same beat. Is about having each other in common. Is about shared goals, shared memories, shared glances, a shared history and a shared landscape. Is about the best dream ever, coming true and the most important feelings coming together from you.


You just have to choose.

Choose wisely. Don't jeopardize those amazing things. Be happy.

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